Tony Oreglia5 Valuable Insights I've Reached through Daily JournalingIn today's world, there are constant distractions and seemingly no facts we can all agree on. I have found that a daily journaling ritual…Apr 3, 2023Apr 3, 2023
Tony OregliaBuilding AI Feature’s SecurelyAt Jumble Journal, we are maintaining client-side encryption while implementing powerful AI features.May 1, 20231May 1, 20231
Tony OregliaAnxiety Inducing LLMsI keep hearing the same thing. The new Large Language Models (like GPT-4) cause anxiety becauseApr 4, 2023Apr 4, 2023
Tony Oreglia5 Benefits of Daily JournalingJournaling is a powerful tool for processing emotions, reflecting on experiences, and organizing your thoughts. Here are five benefits of…Apr 11, 20233Apr 11, 20233