Effect of AI on the 100 Billion Dollar Blogging Industry

Tony Oreglia
3 min readJun 19, 2023
Photo by Jason Mitrione on Unsplash

Blogging is a hundred billion dollar industry (1). The time and energy invested in blogging is immense, even though only a small fraction is captured in monetary transactions.

I’m curious how LLM’s will effect this massive industry. At the market level, there are two possibilities — LLMs may tend to increase or decrease the industry growth rate. It seems unlikely to have a neutral effect. In this article I’d like to consider the each possibility and some implications that come to mind.

LLMs Cause a Decrease in Growth Rate

In this scenario, the value of content diminishes. This may happen if people do not want to read machine generated content.

This would mean that tools which can identity LLM generated content will be valuable. There are a couple possible implementations of these types of tools.

General classifiers

There are already a many classifiers on the market. For example, Originality.AI, Copyleaks, and many more (search “tools to identify AI generated content” for a dozen more). These tools algorithmically identify LLM generated content. I find this strategy risky because I don’t see how they can keep the technology ahead of the LLMs. I believe the quickly improving LLMs will…



Tony Oreglia

Fullstack Software Engineer living in Lisbon. I write about coding and productivity. I'm building a secure journaling space at https://jumblejournal.org